Comdial Small Office & VVP
Serial Integration For
DXP, DXP Plus, and FX Series
Featuring Visual Voice Mail
User’s Guide
Table Of Contents
Introducing The Versatile Voice Processing
System Featuring Visual Voice Mail. . . . . 1
What Is Voice Processing?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
How Do I Use Voice Mail? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Using Voice Mail Etiquette . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
About Your Telephone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Using The Visual Voice Mail (VVM)
Feature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Using The Tutorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Entering Your Voice Mailbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Using Your Keypad To Enter Your Voice
Mailbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Listening To Your Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Using Your Keypad To Listen To Your
Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Sending Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Using Your Keypad To Send Messages. . . . 10
Changing Your Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Recording Your Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Recording Your Greeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Changing Your Password . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Using Call Transfer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Using Message Notification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Reviewing Messages For Future Delivery . . 18
Understanding Other Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Calling Your Mailbox From Another
Location. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Setting Up Distribution Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Using The Call Screening Feature . . . . . . . . 20
Using Your Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Understanding Your Mailbox Schedules . . . 20
Using The Message Waiting Light. . . . . . . . 20
Using The Record Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Listening To Incoming Messages. . . . . . . . . 22
Personal Directory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Important Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Multiple Greetings Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
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Small Office & VVP User's Guide
Introducing The Versatile Voice Processing
System Featuring Visual Voice Mail
Congratulations and thank you for using a Comdial voice mail system. This is
a powerful system that can greet your callers and record your messages. Using
the visual display and interactive buttons on your telephone along with the
voice prompts, you’ll find the Small Office / Versatile Voice Processing (VVP)
system with Visual Voice Mail (VVM) feature quick and easy to use.
What Is Voice Processing?
Voice processing increases your productivity and efficiency when using your
telephone system. Voice processing allows you to direct calls to your parties
without delays caused by the operator handling other calls. You can retrieve
and record messages in a voice mailbox 24 hours per day, seven days per week.
Messages you record in your own voice are accurate, detailed, and more
personal than a third party message.
How Do I Use Voice Mail?
You are assigned a voice mailbox. Your voice mailbox is similar to the
extension number for your telephone. To access your voice mailbox, you must
first dial up the voice mail system and enter your password if you wish to have
one. This is called logging on to your mailbox. Voice mail greets your callers
and records their messages.
Using Voice Mail Etiquette
It is important that you exercise good voice mail etiquette at all times. Voice
mail is intended to enhance productivity. When someone leaves a message in
your voice mailbox, it is your responsibility to reply promptly and courteously.
If voice mail is abused, the result can be frustrated callers and unhappy users.
To avoid any possible frustration, please be patient and courteous to all callers
until they become used to your new voice mail system.
About Your Telephone
To get the maximum benefit from VVP, you will need a Comdial proprietary
phone with a two-line, 32-character liquid crystal display (LCD) and three
interactive buttons. When using an industry standard touch tone phone, or
calling in from another telephone system, you can still use VVP by listening
to the voice prompts and entering your selections from the telephone keypad.
The keypad selections are also included in this guide.
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Using The Visual Voice Mail (VVM) Feature
You will quickly learn that as every voice menu or prompt plays, you will see
a different message on your telephone display. Most of these messages offer
you a choice of three different options. You select the option you want by
simply pressing the interactive button adjacent to the desired item on your
display. For example, suppose you are playing a message you received from
another party. Your display will be as follows:
Playing message
Rplay Save Del
Press left button to hear
your message again
Part of the way through the message you were distracted by some noise in the
office and you want to hear the message again. In this example, you need only
to press the interactive button under Rplay (for replay) on your display and
the message will start playing again from the beginning. After hearing your
message, you can then save it or delete it by pressing Save or Del as
In the above example, you could achieve the same results by pressing 1 to
replay the message, 3 to save it and 4 to delete the message. You will always
know which keypad button to press from the VVP voice prompts.
Because many of the menus have more than three options, only the most
popular options are displayed. You can select menu options that are not
presented on your display by pressing the applicable buttons on your telephone
keypad. You will soon learn which ones they are from looking through this
manual and listening to the various voice menus. For example, when listening
to a message as in the above example, you can press “8” to rewind the message
five seconds, press “9” to fast forward the message five seconds, or press “0”
to pause the playback for approximately 30 seconds.
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Getting Started
The password you will use to log-on to your mailbox the first time will be the
same as your mailbox number which is your extension number. You can
record this number in the space provided at the end of this guide.
As soon as possible, you should personalize your mailbox by recording your
name, greeting, and a new password.
The first time you call voice mail and enter your password, you will hear a
welcome greeting followed by the tutorial. The tutorial prompts you to enter
your name, greeting, and a new password, if you choose to use a password.
You can delete or change any of these items as often as you like. After you
become familiar with the operation of your voice mail system, you may want
to turn the tutorial off. See Using The Tutorial in this guide.
NOTE: We strongly recommend that you use a password and that you
choose one known only by you to keep your messages private.
To personalize your mailbox,
Thu 25 8:25
1. Press VMAIL to call voice mail.
2. Enter your password when prompted.
3. Follow the system’s voice prompts for
entering your name, greeting, and new
Press this interactive
button to call voice mail.
Write your greeting here (see examples on page 13):
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Using The Tutorial
Versatile Voice Processing has a tutorial to help you personalize your mailbox
when you first get it, and to learn some of the many and varied operations of
the voice mail system. When enabled, the tutorial will play automatically every
time you log-on to your mailbox. You can press ✻ any time while the tutorial
is playing to turn it off. You can re-enable the tutorial by selecting the options
menu from the main menu and then pressing 9 from the options menu.
1. Log-on to your mailbox and get the welcome greeting.
Welcome to VVP
2. The tutorial starts to play automatically following the welcome
greeting. While the tutorial is playing, you will be prompted to enter
your name, greeting, and a new password.
Tutorial menu
Yes No Exit
3. Press Exit to stop the tutorial while it is playing. This will not prevent
the tutorial from playing the next time you log-on to your mailbox. You
are informed about any new messages, if present, and the main menu
will appear following the tutorial.
Main Menu
Msgs Send Opts
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Entering Your Voice Mailbox
Before you can perform any task on your voice mail system, you must enter
your mailbox, or log-on to your mailbox. After logging on, you will then be
able to listen to messages left in your mailbox, send messages to other
subscriber’s mailboxes, and change any of your mailbox options, such as your
name or greeting. You can auto log-on by pressing the left button under your
display. Two auto log-on examples follow:
No New Messages in Mailbox
and Tutorial Turned On
New Messages in Mailbox
and Tutorial Turned Off
Display 1
Display 1
Thu 25 8:25
Thu 25 8:25
Press VMAIL (see note 1)
Press 5 MSG (see note 1)
Display 2
Display 2
Enter your
Enter your
Enter your password
Enter your password and
immediately hear first new
message (no additional
button presses required.)
See note 2.
Display 3
Welcome to VVP
Hear welcome message
Display 4
Note 2: Displays 3, 4, and 5
appear the same as they do
in the example on the left
when the tutorial is turned on.
The tutorial plays the first time
you log on to help you person-
alize your mailbox. You can
choose to leave it on or turn it
off (see page 21).
Tutorial menu
Display 5
Hear tutorial
(only if option is
turned on)
Display 5
Main menu
Msgs Send Opts
Select the following from
the Main Menu:
- Listening to messages
- Sending messages
- Changing mailbox options
Note 1: VMAIL is replaced by the new message count indicator when new
messages are in your mailbox (example, 5 MSG means five new messages
are in your mailbox).
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Using Your Keypad To Enter Your Voice Mailbox
Normally, you will auto log-on when entering your mailbox as described on
the facing page. However, you can enter your mailbox from your telephone
keypad as follows:
1. Press INTERCOM and dial the extension number for voice mail. Your
system administrator can provide you with this number.
2. If you are using a password, dial this number when prompted by VVP.
3. You will hear a welcome message and VVP will inform you of the
number of new messages and saved messages in your mailbox. You
will then hear voice prompts to help you complete various tasks from
your main menu.
The first time you call voice mail and enter your password, you will
hear a welcome greeting followed by the tutorial. The tutorial prompts
you to enter your name, greeting, and a new password, if you choose
to use a password. You can delete or change any of these items as often
as you like. After you become familiar with the operation of your voice
mail system, you may want to turn the tutorial off. See Using The
Tutorial in this guide.
Selecting Tasks From Your Main Menu
• To listen to your messages, press 1. This is for listening to new and
saved (old) messages.
• To send a message, press 2. This allows you to send a message to
another subscriber’s mailbox in the VVP system. You can choose
immediate or future delivery options.
• To change your mailbox options, press 3. Options are—
- Record your name
- Record your greeting
- Change your password
- Change the call transfer feature
- Change the message notification feature
- Change the Tracker pager feature
• To begin immediate playback of new messages, press 9.
• To exit the main menu, press #.
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ListeningTo YourMessages
Once you have logged-on to your mailbox, you can listen to any messages left
there by your callers. The following chart illustrates the relationship between
the displays you will see when playing your messages. However, when new
messages are pending, and your tutorial is turned off, VVP goes immediately
to display 3 (Playing message) and starts playing your first new message.
Display 1
Main menu
Msgs Send Opts
Press Msgs for
Message menu
Display 2
Old or new
New Old
Display 1
Press New or Old
to listen to messages
Display 3
Playing message
Rplay Save Del
Press Rplay to hear message again
Press Save to save message and hear
next message
Press Del to delete message
Display 4
Message options
Rplay Save Del
Press Rplay to hear message again
Press Save to save message and hear
next message
Press Del to delete message
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Using Your Keypad To Listen To Your Messages
When you log-in to your mailbox, the system will play new messages
immediately after you enter your password. (If you do not wish to listen to new
messages immediately after logging in, press #.)You can listen to saved
messages by entering the message menu.
To listen to saved messages—
To enter the message menu, press 1.
From the message menu—
To hear saved (old) messages, press 2.
To return to the main menu, press #.
When you listen to either new or saved messages, you have the following
options after the message has played:
To replay the entire message, press 1.
To save this message, skip over it, and begin playing the next message,
press 2.
To save this message as a new message, press 3. Use this feature when you
want to save a message as new that you have asked the system to delete.
The system provides enough time to do this before it actually deletes the
message after your delete request. (See next option.)
Delete this message and select the next message. You can retrieve a deleted
message if you have not hung up. To un-delete the message, go back to the
Main Menu, select Listen to Saved Messages (old), and save it as new.
For time and date that this message was received, press 65.
To forward a copy of this message to another mailbox on VVP, press 6 1.
To send a reply to the message you just listened to, providing the message
was sent from another subscriber on VVP via their mailbox, press 6 2.
To transfer this call to the person who sent this message, press 6 3.
To tag one or more documents that you want sent to a fax machine at the
end of your call, press 7. Requires the Faxmail option.
To get tagged faxmail documents when using Fax-Back on the same call,
press 9. Requires the Faxmail option.
While the message is playing—
• To rewind 5 seconds, press 8.
• To fast forward 5 seconds, press 9.
• To pause the playback for approximately 30 seconds, press 0.
Restart the message any time during the pause by pressing 0 again.
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Sending Messages
You can send messages to the mailboxes of other VVP subscribers from your
voice mailbox.
Display 1
Main menu
Msgs Send Opts
Press Send
Then, dial mailbox number of
intended receiver. VVP plays
recorded name for entered
mailbox number and asks for
. . . or . . .
for dial-by-name
Display 2
Display 3
Directory menu
Yes No Exit
Display 1
Display 1
Press Yes to confirm name
Press Yes to select name
Press No to return to main menu
Press No to hear next name
Display 4
Press # to stop
Record your message
Display 5
Send options
Send Rcrd Cncl
Press Send to send message
Press Rcrd to re-record message
Press Cncl to cancel sending the
Display 6
Send options
Urgnt Futur Norm
Press Urgnt for urgent delivery
Press Futur for future delivery
Press Norm for immediate delivery
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Using Your Keypad To Send Messages
You can send a message to another subscriber’s mailbox by pressing 2 from
the main menu. VVP will ask you to enter the mailbox number of the person
you want to receive the message; or to press ✻ if you want to use the
dial-by-name directory. Press 1 to confirm your mailbox selection. Record the
mailbox numbers that you call frequently on the personal directory page
provided in the back of this guide.
After recording the message, press # for more options as follows:
• To send this message, press 1. You will hear voice prompts for
delivery options (press 1 for normal, press 2 for urgent, press ✻ for
future delivery).
• To replay this message, press 2.
• To re-record this message from the beginning, press 3.
• To cancel this message, press 4.
• To receive notification when your party has received this message,
press 5.
• To send this message to several mailboxes without re-recording it,
press 6.
• To add a fax document to the message being sent, press 7. Requires
the Faxmail option.
• To resume recording where you left off, press 8. This allows you to
listen to what you have recorded, then add to the message.
• To play the last 5 seconds of the message press 9. This allows you to
continue recording.
• To send the message so that it arrives at a future time and date,
press ✻ . This feature allows you to record the message now, but
have Versatile Voice Processing deliver it at your specified date and
time in the future.
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Changing Your Options
There are many voice mailbox options you can change such as your name or
greeting. Many of these options you can change directly from the interactive
buttons under your display, while others require you to press one of the buttons
on your telephone keypad. These option changes and their associated displays
are illustrated below.
Display 1
Main menu
Msgs Send Opts
Press Opts
Display 2
Options menu
Xfer Greet Exit
Display 1
to record name (Display 3)
or Greet to record greeting (Display 4)
to record password (Display 5)
or Xfer to change call transfer (Display 6)
for message notification (Display 6)
for pager feature (Display 5)
for future delivery (Display 7)
to change personal distribution lists (you can create up to
four 10-member distribution lists)(Display 5)
to retrieve a message sent to another mailbox (Display 2)
Display 3
Name options
Play Rcrd Exit
Display 4
Greeting options
Play Swap Exit
Display 2
Display 2
Press Play to hear name
Press Rcrd to re-record name
Press Play to hear greeting
Press Swap to select another
Display 6
Display 5
Chng OnOff Exit
Listen for
Display 2
Press Chng to change call
transfer number
Press OnOff to turn call transfer
feature on or off (when off, all
calls go to your mailbox)l
Display 7
Schedule menu
Play Next
Display 2
Press Play to hear message scheduled for future delivery
Press Next to hear next message
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Recording Your Name
You need to record your name so the system can inform callers they are leaving
a message or being transferred to the correct person. By recording your name,
you will be included in the directory.
1. Log-on to your mailbox. The following display will appear:
Main Menu
Msgs Send Opts
2. Press Opts from the main menu and the options menu appears:
Options menu
Xfer Greet Exit
3. Press 1 on your telephone keypad while the options menu is active. The
following menu appears:
Name options
Play Rcrd Exit
4. Press Rcrd to record your name. You may listen to your recording
(press Play) as many times as you like until you are satisfied with the
results. Press Exit to return to the options menu.
You can achieve the same results by using the voice prompts and your
telephone keypad as follows:
Press 1 to replay the message.
Press 2 to re-record the message.
Press 3 to delete the message.
Press # to exit to the options menu.
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Recording Your Greeting
You can record up to ten greetings for your mailbox if your mailbox class of
service allows this feature. You may want to record at least two greetings. It
is not necessary to record any greeting at all, but it is more personal if your
callers hear a message from you in your voice. If you record more than one
greeting, you can select which greeting will be played. If you want to play a
different greeting, simply select which one:0 through 9.
1. To record your greeting, log-on to your mailbox. The following display
will appear:
Main Menu
Msgs Send Opts
2. Press Opts from the main menu and the options menu appears:
Options menu
Xfer Greet Exit
3. To record your greeting, press Greet from the options menu. The
following menu appears with play and swap choices.
Greeting options
Play Swap Exit
Follow the instructions in the voice menu and enter your choices as
*To replay the greeting, press 1 (or Play).
*To re-record the greeting, press 2.
*To delete the greeting, press 3.
*To choose a new greeting, press 5 (or Swap).
To return to the options menu, press # (or Exit).
*These operations will prompt you to enter your greeting number (0–9)
if your mailbox has been configured to allow multiple greetings.
You may listen to your recorded greeting and re-record it as many times
as you like until you are satisfied.
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Sample Greeting 0
“Hello, this is Bob. I’m either on the phone or away from my desk.
Please leave me a detailed message at the tone and I will return your
call as soon as possible.”
Sample Greeting 1
“Hello, this is Bob. Today is August 15 and I’ll be out of the office all day.
Please leave me a detailed message at the tone and I’ll get back to you as soon
as possible.”
Greetings can be changed as often as you like. Replacing a greeting with
another, (that is, greeting 0 with greeting 1) is an example of the system’s
flexibility. The greetings can be changed from your phone at work or from any
touch tone phone anywhere. This means that you could change your greetings
while out of town, or at home. Record your numbered greetings in the space
provided on page 26 for future reference.
NOTE: Remember, if you record a greeting to your satisfaction, don’t
record over it unless you want to change it. Also, your mailbox
must be configured through class of service programming to
allow use of multiple greetings.
You can also record you greeting by using the voice prompts and your
telephone keypad as follows:
Press 1 to replay the message.
Press 2 to re-record the message.
Press 3 to delete the message.
Press 5 to choose a new greeting.
Press # to return to the options menu.
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Changing Your Password
To change your password, log-on to your mailbox. The following menu will
Main Menu
Msgs Send Opts
Press Opts from the main menu to select the options menu.
Options menu
Xfer Greet Exit
To enter a new password, press 3 on your telephone keypad while the options
menu is active, and follow the voice prompts.
NOTE: Always make your password at least four digits and select one
known only to you.
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Using Call Transfer
When a call is received by Versatile Voice Processing, the call is either
transferred to you at your desk and/or put in your mailbox if you are not
available. If you are going to be away from your desk for an extended period,
or do not wish to be disturbed, you can divert the callsfrom yourdesk to another
phone or directly to your mailbox so Versatile Voice Processing can take a
message. To block calls to your extension, press Xfer from the options menu,
then press OnOff. The OnOff button toggles call blocking on and off. When
this feature is off, calls are automatically transferred to your mailbox. To send
your calls to another extension, or phone number, press Chng from the
message delivery options menu and enter the new number when prompted by
the voice menu. Consult your system administrator if you need additional
information on this feature.
1. Log-on to your mailbox.
Main Menu
Msgs Send Opts
2. Press Opts from the main menu for the options menu.
Options menu
Xfer Greet Exit
3. Press Xfer for the message delivery options menu.
hng OnOff Exit
4. Press Chng to change your call transfer number or OnOff to turn the
feature on or off. Press Exit to return to the Options menu.
You can achieve the same results by using the voice prompts and your
telephone keypad as follows:
Press 1 to change your call transfer number.
Press ✻ to turn the feature on or off.
Press # when you are satisfied with your choice.
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Using Message Notification
Message notification will call you at another telephone (at home or at the
office) and inform you that you have messages in your mailbox. Your mailbox
must be configured to provide this feature. It may be necessary to consult your
dealer for advanced applications of this feature.
1. Log-on to your mailbox.
Main Menu
Msgs Send Opts
2. Press Opts from the main menu for the options menu.
Options menu
Xfer Greet Exit
3. Press 5 on your telephone keypad while the options menu is active, and
listen for instructions. VVP will voice announce which number is
currently programmed. For example, “pause, one, one, pause, . . . ”
hng OnOff Exit
4. Press Chng to change your notification number or OnOff to turn the
feature on or off. Press Exit to return to the Options menu.
You can achieve the same results by using the voice prompts and your
telephone keypad as follows:
Press 1 to change your call transfer number.
Press ✻ to turn the feature on or off.
Press # when you are satisfied with your choice.
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Reviewing Messages For Future Delivery
You can record messages and save them for future delivery. Versatile Voice
Processing will allow you to review these messages by using the review future
delivery option.
1. Log-on to your mailbox.
Main Menu
Msgs Send Opts
2. Press Opts from the main menu for the options menu.
Options menu
Xfer Greet Exit
3. Press 7 on your telephone keypad while the options menu is active and
follow the voice prompts for specifying message destination and future
delivery date and time.
Schedule menu
Play Next Exit
4. Press Play to hear the first message marked for future delivery. Press
Next to hear the next message marked for future delivery. Press Exit
to return to the Options menu.
You can achieve the same results by using the voice prompts and your
telephone keypad as follows:
Press 1 to hear message scheduled for future delivery.
Press 2 to hear the next message.
Press 4 to cancel the future delivery.
Press # to return to the options menu.
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Understanding Other Features
This section contains descriptions of some of the other features of your
Versatile Voice Processing voice mail system. Consult your system
administrator or your dealer if you need additional information on any of these
features. Your system may not have all of these features.
Calling Your Mailbox From Another Location
You can call your voice mailbox when you are away from your office—from
another extension, at home, in your car, or from a public pay station. You can
hear your messages the same as you would if you were sitting right at your
desk! Also, you can send messages or change your mailbox options—such as
your greeting—from any touch tone telephone having a 12-button keypad.
To access your voice mailbox from an outside telephone,
1. Call your office telephone.
2. While the greeting is playing, press the # button on the keypad of the
telephone you are using.
3. You will be prompted to enter your mailbox number.
4. After entering your mailbox number, you will be prompted to enter
your password, if your mailbox uses one.
5. After you enter your password, you will hear the welcome message
and the main menu will play giving you all of the identical options you
have when you are using your office phone.
NOTE: Remember, even if the telephone you are using to call your office
has a display and interactive buttons, you will not see the proper
displays or be able to use the interactive buttons as you can on
your office phone.
To access your voice mailbox from another extension,
1. Press the VMAIL button.
2. When VVP asks for that extension’s password, press the # button.
When the display is blank, press # again.
3. You will be prompted to enter your mailbox number.
4. After entering your mailbox number, you will be prompted to enter
your password, if your mailbox uses one.
5. After you enter your password, you will hear the welcome message
and the main menu will play giving you all of the identical options you
have when you are using your telephone.
NOTE: If the mailbox at the extension you are using has no password,
you will be in that extension’s open mailbox as soon as you press
the VMAIL button. If this happens, press #, wait until the display
is blank, then press # again. Follow the directions starting from
step 3 to access your mailbox.
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Setting Up Distribution Lists
Your voice mail system can be set up with a list of mailboxes that can be
included in certain messages. For instance, if you are a manager, you could
create a list of all people that report to you so that you could send one message
to everyone at once. You can create up to four, 10-member distribution lists.
Using The Call Screening Feature
Versatile Voice Processing can get the caller’s name prior to transferring the
call to your extension, and then call your extension to tell you who is calling;
giving you the option of accepting the call or having the voice mail system
take a message.
Using Your Directory
Recording your name will activate the appearance of your mailbox in the
company directory. If you can’t remember the mailbox number of someone
else in the system to whom you want to send a message, access the directory
by pressing ✻ from the voice menu for messages. Versatile Voice Processing
will ask you to enter the first few letters of the last name of the person to which
you wish to speak to. You will then hear possible matches that you can respond
to with yes or no replies by pressing the interactive buttons on your directory
Understanding Your Mailbox Schedules
Versatile Voice Processing can be set up to transfer calls to your extension,
forward messages to another mailbox, or notify you that you have messages
in your mailbox. All of these features have the ability to be on a separate
schedule to function the way you need during specified time periods. Consult
your system administrator or dealer for additional details.
Using The Message Waiting Light
The Versatile Voice Processing system will turn on your message waiting light
and cause it to flash anytime you have new messages waiting. After you have
listened to the last message, and return to the main menu, the message waiting
light will turn off.
20 – Small Office & VVP User's Guide
Small Office & VVP User's Guide
Using The Record Feature
The Record Feature enables you to record conversations and save them. (The
record feature must be enabled by a technical on a per-mailbox basis.)
Versatile Voice Processing allows you to listen to the recorded conversations
by accessing your mailbox and listening to the conversations as you would a
voice mail message.
1. When answer or make a call, one of the following displays appears:
Line 1
Line 1
Incoming Call Display
Outgoing Call Display
Ext 1021
Intercom Call
Conference Call
2. Press the REC softkey to record the conversation into your mailbox
(depending on system programming, a recurring tone may sound to
indicate the call is being recorded) . The system will display the words
RECORDING, PAUSE, and STOP. You can pause or stop the
recording by pressing the appropriate softkey. If the system is unable
to record, it will display an error message for 2 seconds.
Recording Call Display
Small Office & VVP User's Guide – 21
Small Office & VVP User's Guide
3. If you press the PAUSE softkey, recording will be paused and the
system will display the words RECORDING PAUSED, RESUME,
and STOP. Pressing RESUME will restart recording; pressing STOP
will stop the recording.
Record Paused...
Record Paused Display
Listening To Incoming Messages
The listen feature allows you to screen calls by listening to an incoming
message and determining if the call needs your immediate attention. If you
wish to speak to the person leaving the message, simply press the softkey to
cancel the recording and take the call.
1. When a calling party is leaving a message at an idle station, the system
will display the following screen:
Caller ID/ANI information will be displayed for lines with available
2. Select the LISTEN softkey to listen to the party leaving you a message.
Select the CLEAR option to clear the LCD and display the date and
22 – Small Office & VVP User's Guide
Small Office & VVP User's Guide
3. During the listening mode, the system will display the PICKUP and
STOP options. Pressing the PICKUP softkey allows you to take the
call and cancels the recording. The STOP option allows you to stop
listening and continue recording the message.
Listen Line 5
Listen Display
Line 5
Display When Pickup
Button Is Pressed
Small Office & VVP User's Guide – 23
Small Office & VVP User's Guide
Personal Directory
24 – Small Office & VVP User's Guide
Small Office & VVP User's Guide
Important Numbers
VVP’s Extension
My mailbox #
My password
Record Multiple Greetings Here
Small Office & VVP User's Guide – 25
This manual has been developed by Comdial
Corporation (the “Company”) and is intended for the use
of its customers and service personnel. The information
in this manual is subject to change without notice. While
every effort has been made to eliminate errors, the
Company disclaims liability for any difficulties arising
from the interpretation of the information contained
The information contained herein does not purport to
cover all details or variations in equipment or to provide
for every possible contingency to be met in connection
with installation, operation, or maintenance. Should
further information be desired, or should particular
problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the
purchaser’s purposes, contact Comdial, Inside Sales
Department, P.O. Box 7266, Charlottesville, Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-2829
Printed in U.S.A.
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